News and Updates
  • Severe weather: Tornado, Flooding, Severe Freeze, etc.
  • Illness or outage of two or more of our hatters

These are our annual closings: 

  • Summer Break - 1 to 2 weeks
  • Easter Break - Good Friday through Easter Monday

Other possible closings: 

Please check here for news of events or other notices: 

  • Thanksgiving Break - 3 days to 1 week
  • Christmas Break - 1 to 2 weeks
  • Please check Facebook or the box below, for further information and exact dates of our annual closings.
  • Please check Facebook or the box below, for further information.

Due to supply issues with hat materials and rattlesnake skins, the wait time for new orders is now 6 to 8 months.

We will be closed the week of March 10th through the 18th for Spring Break, and also the 1st anniversary of David's last week of life.